






If you really don't want to study, please do not study.

Insteadly, try what you are interested in such as sports and music.

It is true that you can live your life without study.

But it is really trouble especially in Japan to live in the way different from others.

Almost all people in japan regard those who does not study as lazy.

Can you deposit your life a lazy person?

So If you never study, it become hard to cooperate with people and make money.

The reason why you can live life spending money is that your parents earn and supply money for you.

And I can assure you that, in the future,  you eventually become to be interested in study.

In fact study is useful and amusing.

If you acquire a lot of knowledge, and get old, you would notice it.


Perhaps your parents do not want your life to become harsh.

This is why they scold you. They just love you.

But you will not understand. As I did not understand when I was a child.

So now, just try what you want to do for the time being.